Meet Mobius Carbon

Pioneering Precision in Asset-Level Carbon Intelligence

Mobius graphic of Enterprise Platform mockup, API schema and Mobius Benchmark score Mobius graphic of Enterprise Platform mockup, API schema and Mobius Benchmark score
Trusted by and in partnership with global sustainability institutions

The future of climate tech

We're making the world's most impactful carbon transition investment tools and services.

Enterprise Platform

The decarbonisation platform for the built environment

For commercial real estate organisations who recognise that climate risk equals financial risk.

Real cross-portfolio intelligence
ROI focused optimisation
Maximise asset & operational value
Mobius Enterprise Platform image with Real-time performance graph
Mobius benchmark API and iPhone mockup
Mobius API

Setting a new standard in sustainable finance

For financial institutions and data processes who create value with Mobius Carbon's proprietary asset level data.

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Immutable real-time data
Billions of data points exchanged between energy market actors.
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Proprietary data
Co-developed with leading market participants.

How we're transforming the built environment

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Proprietary data

Our proven, immutable data and Enterprise Platform solves complex business problems. We ingest up to 300,000 readings a second, with over 850 billion energy transactions captured and counting.
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Intelligent insights

Our platform positively impacts the efficiency and performance of assets and entities, enabling smarter tactical and strategic net zero investment and operational decisions.
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Industry expertise

Our world-leading team and advisors shape energy policy and value for energy intensive FTSE 100 and S&P 500 companies, government agencies and leading institutional investors.

Mobius is built for innovators and market leaders

Building Owners

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Building owners hero image showing Mobius asset summary

Building Operators

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Building operators hero image showing Mobius asset cost savings

Building Occupiers

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The future of climate tech

We help organisations implement climate action with confidence. Our asset-level carbon intelligence provides unparalleled market insight that is focused on ROI.
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