Mobius API

The New Standard in Sustainable Finance

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Unlock the Power of the UK’s Leading Real-Time Energy & Carbon Monitoring Infrastructure

The Mobius API provides a comprehensive and immutable real-time view of relative performance and environmental risk across your lending portfolio, ensuring informed decision-making based on actual, not estimated, data.

What the Mobius API can do for you

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Real-Time Environmental Performance Tracking

Monitor the carbon intensity and energy efficiency of borrower companies as it happens.
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Comprehensive Portfolio Analysis

Gain a holistic understanding of the relative performance of your entire lending portfolio, with detailed insights into individual company and assets performance.
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Benchmarks and Comparative Analysis

Evaluate and compare the environmental metrics of companies against industry standards and peers for a clear relative performance view.
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Enhanced Risk Management

With real-time data, identify and address environmental risks proactively in your lending activities.
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Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Facilitate adherence to environmental regulations and standards in your reporting processes.
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Alignment with Global Sustainability Goals

Ensure your lending practices are in sync with international environmental objectives and your bank’s sustainability commitments.

How it works

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Why the Mobius API provides Unparalleled Benchmarking

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Informed Lending Decisions

Utilise real-time, accurate data to guide your lending strategies.
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Proactive Environmental Risk Mitigation

Stay ahead of potential environmental risks associated with your lending portfolio.
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Strategic Decision-Making Support

Empower your bank's decision-making processes with actionable insights and comparative data.
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Sustainable Finance Leadership

Establish your bank as a frontrunner in the domain of sustainable finance through innovative technology adoption.
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Stakeholder Confidence

Reinforce trust among shareholders, regulators, and clients by showcasing a commitment to environmental responsibility backed by real investment-grade data.

Unlock the New Standard in Sustainable Finance today

Immutable Real-Time Data
Energy & Carbon Monitoring Infrastructure
Trusted by Leading Financial Institutions
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